NoOp wrote:
On 12/25/2009 04:07 PM, Rufus wrote:
...your interface should be "dumbed down" to accommodate the "dumbest" user that you are targeting your product to, or that you expect would possibly want to try your product. Simpler is better, useful instructive information provided is always even better.

Nonsense. Please don't advocate this. If you'd like dumbed down look

...if you look elsewhere, you'll very likely be surprised what you find.

What if you grandmother would like to use SM because you recommended it? Or your 3rd grade aged nephew?

Actually, my 89 y.o. grandmother, her 60 y.0. live-in nurse, my 2nd
grade nephew, and multiple relatives that haven't the simplest clue
about browsers & email clients use SeaMonkey daily. As do nearly one
hundred of my commercial client installations.

And do they manipulate about:config, or do any of the more advanced workarounds that you suggest for us "power users"? All I'm saying is that an average user should not have to resort to such in order to solve problems or implement preferences - and that the basic program should be informative and flexible enough that they shouldn't have to.

I don't usually say this, but I think it's time that you get a grip
regarding SeaMonkey, or move on to something else that suits your
requirements. Your continued bitching about SeaMonkey not meeing this,
or that, or whatever, has quite frankly become quite irritating. In all
honesty, I'm begining to pity the company that you work/consult for.

...remember that next time you travel by air...from engines to ATC. A lot of the tech pubs written in support of those operations are standardized to a 6th to 8th grade user level.

What would you propose SeaMonkey be "dumbed down" to? Would you propose
that about:config, prefs.js, and other user modifiable sections simply
not become available?

I would propose that the basic, non-extended, as delivered product be coded to suit the widest possible user base, so that the widest number of users can use it - easily. As delivered, it is "dumbed down" by default, and I seriously doubt that many of your relatives go editing component files of the app on their least, not without consulting you.

But being as flexible and extensible as it is through add-ons, it can also be "smartened up" to suit just about any user's needs - and that's one of it's strongest points, IMO. I personally don't use any add-ons, because the basic app has always served to do what I care to do.

As far as meeting my needs and preferences - SM 1.1.18 did that, and continues to do I'll likely stick with it, and revert my "upgrades" until the 2.x series gains more "maturity". Yeah, it's got a couple flaws, but nothing as annoying to me as the latest releases...and it's got a larger built in user feature set - which is really the crux of what I like about it. So I'll continue to use 1.1.18 and accept what comes with that.

     - Rufus
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