Phillip Jones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
fel wrote:
On Tue, 22 Dec 2009 13:16:19 -0800, Rufus<>   in wrote:

I understand the risks involved with fooling around with about:config if
one doesn't know what one is doing...workarounds are fine for
experienced users, but not for the masses.

Absolutely.  Us masses just make our changes directly in prefs.js.
But seriously,  I wonder just how dumbed down you think that a computer
should be.

A computer is only as smart or dumb as the user.

...your interface should be "dumbed down" to accommodate the "dumbest"
user that you are targeting your product to, or that you expect would
possibly want to try your product.  Simpler is better, useful
instructive information provided is always even better.

What if you grandmother would like to use SM because you recommended it?
   Or your 3rd grade aged nephew?

You'd have more trouble with the Grandma than the 3 or 4 year old.
I worked for a school system system as a Audio-Visual Electronics Technician. when computers first came out (TI-88, Commodore 64 and 128, Apple II, Apple IIe, Winn 286, 386, Epson Equity, IBM PS1 and 2.

I found that the Kids took to the computers like ducks to water. while the teachers were scared to even tun the computers on. Often a 5, 6, 7 year old was assigned to turn the computer on and get it running.

one funny incident one of the librarian gave a program Floppy to a Child. the child came back a minute or two later saying teacher need her to come get the computer going. she went and fond that they had a TI-88 which used cartridges. and she had asked for floppy that to go in an Apple IIe and folded it up to put in the slot of the TI-88.

I can totally agree with you...and that's part my the point about addressing the whole as opposed to the few.

We're locked in a very similar debate at work right now, the basis of which boils down to how younger aviators train, vs what older aviators are used to seeing on their displays. Very heated generationally based discussion/argument that's gone on for a year now, and likely to go on for another year...not to mention that the bottom line is that the initial implementation really could end up risking someone's life, in the opinion of some crew members.

So what do you do? We're at least building in the option to turn this new feature off, and revert to the previous (simpler) display. Yeah - the day may come long after I'm gone when the new display will be the standard, but that's NOT today.

     - Rufus
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