Robert Kaiser wrote:
Daniel schrieb:
Us masses should not even be, directly, touching prefs.js!! Make the
changes in user.js and let SM copy them into prefs.js!!

Right, you shouldn't touch prefs.js - the masses should also never touch
or have a user.js at all, though (IMHO, we even should remove that
"feature" as about:config is better nowadays). And the masses also
should not ever need to touch about:config as well, everything a normal
mass-user should need to look into is the graphical preferences window.

Robert Kaiser
How about some type of switch for average user and expert user. Expert user would be as now allows User.js files and working with about:config. Th Average user mode would have no ability to create a USER.js or and about:config would be hidden.

That way after a person has dealt with SM for a year or two could then turn on expert mode to get the powers we now.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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