Stefan wrote:
Rufus skriver:
Stefan wrote:
Stefan skriver:
Rufus skriver:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
phillipm wrote:
major problem: SeaMonkey will not open HTML files located on my HD
not when double-clicked, not with keyboard command, not with Finder
menu option either. The application will launch but the file is not
displayed ... just a blank screen. The only way to get the page to
display is you use the "Open File..." menu within SeaMonkey. !?!??!
Very odd ... Any clues?

This is known and will be fixed in the 2.0.2 update.

Robert Kaiser

This is working for me with 2.0.1 - if I double click on an HTML file
located in a folder, it opens just as I would expect.

No one mentioned it in this thread, but the issue only happens when
SeaMonkey is already running.

And it's Mac-only (just to clarify).

Ok - with SM running it's not working, but I'm not getting a blank page
- my Home page comes up in a new window, even though I have my Pref set
to open a new tab.

I'm also using a MacBook Pro like the OP, running SnoLep.

Yeah, it depends on your new window preference (phillipm should have his
set to open a blank page)

But if You do That it opens about:Blank which it should never do. It should either open the item or open you home page window.

I have a Bug where I have home page to open and if I don't have Browser and email to starts (just email), it opens about Blank. There is two ways to cure it for a little while before it creeps up again.

Go to Preferences appearance and set Browser and email to open at start up shut down preferences , Shut down SM2 start SM and its fixed.

Or go to preferences > browser and remove all content with the Box. Then choose use current page. and That fixes it for a while. about:blank should never come up for any reason.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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