OldTimer wrote:
I'm running SM 2.0.1 on Win XP SP2. In the accounts panel on the left side of the SM main screen, I have 2 accounts with many folders: 1)an old account with an ISP I'm going to close (it's dial-up). and 2) a new account (DSL) with some similar and some different folders from the old account.

As mail senders began using my new address, I set up new folders. I don't have all the same folders and I don't have all the folders that are in my old account and I have new ones that aren't in the old account.

I want to merge/transfer? all my old mail messages to my new account, delete my old account and ensure that the address book is retained.

Is there an quick way to do this? I discovered that I could drag mail messages from the old account to the new - but this would be tedious even if I could transfer whole folders (I'm haven't tried this yet).

Any suggestions?

An OldTimer trying to keep up.
Th eaddress book is in your profile, not associated with any mail subscription you have. So as long as your profile as a whole stays as-is, so does the address book.

As for which account messages appear under, why not simply drag & drop from the old folders to the new? Once you have everything where you want it, THEN you can delete the old mail account. Once deleted in the SM GUI, the files for that account can be removed from the 'Mail' folder under your profile directory.
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