On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:35:40 +0100, Robert Kaiser <ka...@kairo.at>

>JohnW-Mpls schrieb:
>> I debated going back to SM 2.0 now but I'm spoiled by 1.18's much
>> simpler handling of passwords for apps that require them.  Question:
>> is SM 2 going to be modified to handle passwords decently?  And if so,
>> about when might that change be expected?
>Could you define the actual problem you're having and what's not 
>"decent" in SM2 for that matter?
>Robert Kaiser

I hope the following helps, Robert.  If not enough, what would you

SM 1.18 vs 2.0 Password Insertion

SM 1.18
Within 2 seconds after getting a website's opening screen, 1.18 has
inserted the User ID and Password for that site. (This assumes that I
have clicked to save the password when at that site previously.) When
I go to GoDaddy where I have over a half dozen accounts, it can take 5
seconds for SM to bring up a little screen listing all my accounts,
from which screen I select the one account I want to open.  At some
sites where I had not logged out from my previous visit, I never even
see the opening screen requesting ID & P/W - I go right to their home
screen.  At banking sites like Wells Fargo, the ID & P/W are never
saved so never inserted by SM.

SM 2.0
(The following assumes that I have clicked to save the User ID &
password when at that site previously.)  All sites stop at the opening
screen waiting for the ID & P/W.  I don't remember ever seeing their
insertion without a bunch of clicking by me (right & left clicks) to
get any saved data from SM.  That takes 5-20 seconds, sometimes never,
and typically just the ID and that I have to move to the proper box on
the screen for the P/W to appear.

While using 2.0, I started to save sites IDs & PWs so I could enter
them manually - I could do that faster and without the frustration of
hoping for SM to do something.  I have over 100 sites in the password
manager and some vendors like to assign their own IDs so I cannot rely
on just a few for manual insertion.  (I also have many passwords but
that is no problem - SM fills those in quickly once the ID is

+ + + + + +

Note that I'm surprised that this situation is not well known to you.
It was mentioned in a number of messages right after 2.0 went from
beta to live at the end of October.

 JohnW-Mpls    john...@comcast.net   952-593-0954

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