JohnW-Mpls wrote:
On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 15:35:40 +0100, Robert Kaiser<>

JohnW-Mpls schrieb:
I debated going back to SM 2.0 now but I'm spoiled by 1.18's much
simpler handling of passwords for apps that require them.  Question:
is SM 2 going to be modified to handle passwords decently?  And if so,
about when might that change be expected?

Could you define the actual problem you're having and what's not
"decent" in SM2 for that matter?

Robert Kaiser

I hope the following helps, Robert.  If not enough, what would you

SM 1.18 vs 2.0 Password Insertion

SM 1.18
Within 2 seconds after getting a website's opening screen, 1.18 has
inserted the User ID and Password for that site. (This assumes that I
have clicked to save the password when at that site previously.) When
I go to GoDaddy where I have over a half dozen accounts, it can take 5
seconds for SM to bring up a little screen listing all my accounts,
from which screen I select the one account I want to open.  At some
sites where I had not logged out from my previous visit, I never even
see the opening screen requesting ID&  P/W - I go right to their home
screen.  At banking sites like Wells Fargo, the ID&  P/W are never
saved so never inserted by SM.

SM 2.0
(The following assumes that I have clicked to save the User ID&
password when at that site previously.)  All sites stop at the opening
screen waiting for the ID&  P/W.  I don't remember ever seeing their
insertion without a bunch of clicking by me (right&  left clicks) to
get any saved data from SM.  That takes 5-20 seconds, sometimes never,
and typically just the ID and that I have to move to the proper box on
the screen for the P/W to appear.

While using 2.0, I started to save sites IDs&  PWs so I could enter
them manually - I could do that faster and without the frustration of
hoping for SM to do something.  I have over 100 sites in the password
manager and some vendors like to assign their own IDs so I cannot rely
on just a few for manual insertion.  (I also have many passwords but
that is no problem - SM fills those in quickly once the ID is

+ + + + + +

Note that I'm surprised that this situation is not well known to you.
It was mentioned in a number of messages right after 2.0 went from
beta to live at the end of October.

  JohnW-Mpls   952-593-0954

It is known. its a new feature that was demanded by Bank/Financial institutions. (Of course everyone assumes that if your saving username/Passwords That you not encrypting and using a Master password. (anyone not has rocks in their head). even if you save User names/passwords they want show up until click in username box and type at least the first letter of Username and same for password.

There is a couple of things to get back the old style:

Open Bookmarks and create a new Bookmark and give the name Remember Password
in location type the or copy/paste the following (all on the same line):

Then go to this Site and follow the direction given.

Note the second Item you will have to repeat every time SM is updated.

Note these methods are not recommended by the SeaMonkey group.

But if your like me being 60 years old, and having 50-100 sites or more I go to that require usernames and passwords if I had to remember all of them I would be in an insane asylum and I don't feel like writing them down in a log book. And If I did and it was to get stolen Then I would be less secure.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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