Graham wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Could you define the actual problem you're having and what's not
"decent" in SM2 for that matter?

My personal beef with SM2's forms and password handling is that it is
entirely unpredictable. On a few sites, things are automatically filled
in. On some, a double click in a field will get it filled. On some sites
if you start typing you'll get a selection. Finally, on some sites
(which worked with SM1) nothing works at all. True, on SM1 some sites
would not allow passwords to be saved, but how passwords (for the
majority of sites, where they could be saved) and other form fields were
handled was very consistent and it *worked*.

Loss of functionality coupled with unpredictable behaviour (from one
site to the next) makes SM2 very unpleasant to use.


The big Password issue I have is the "random" requests for my Master Password that either freeze or crash SM. I put "random" in quotes because SM appears to ask for my Master when it is not required - I have my Pref set to ask for the Master only on first requirement, but the request comes up during downloads, reading NG, and/or navigating to sites which don't even need a password...then SM either freezes or crashes.

The freezes were happening with 1.1.18, the crashes started with 2.0.1. If it would just behave as my Pref is set, all would be ok with me.

     - Rufus
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