JohnW-Mpls wrote:
On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 17:28:47 -0800, Rufus<>  wrote:

JohnW-Mpls wrote:
In Dec I went back to 1.18 because my XP had a half dozen BSODs since
I installed 2.0 in late Oct.  I have not had a BSOD since returning to

Someone suggested running Ramtest incase the BSODs were caused by some
RAM weakness.  I did that - no ram errors.

However, when removing and reinstalling SM versions, some other of my
USB connected components seemed to run slowly - and it was plugged in
via an old expansion hub.  My internet (ethernet) was plugged into
that same expansion hub and I wondered if some other internet
activities were being affected by a slow expansion hub. So I swapped
USB connections to get my internet on a USB port right on the
motherboard.  Eureka - all my internet action now seemed more crisp!

My current postulation is the BSODs were caused by timing problems
between the USB handling and SM 2.0.  Not illogical that the new SM
2.0 base code expects tighter signal timing.  (I could try proving
this using Firefox&  Thunderbird on the old USB setup but...)

I debated going back to SM 2.0 now but I'm spoiled by 1.18's much
simpler handling of passwords for apps that require them.  Question:
is SM 2 going to be modified to handle passwords decently?  And if so,
about when might that change be expected?

...funny, I had a USB hub die on one of my Macs and also had a lot of
issues until I figured out what the problem was, but I never really tied
it to an app - it was just general problems.

And I wouldn't figure that any problem would/could arise from a browsing
suite unless your modem is networked via USB instead of wifi or
Ethernet.  Was/is that your case?

No.  I have ethernet/10baseT from my cable modem to a Belkin adapter
which provides the USB for the computer (XP).

  JohnW-Mpls then, you do actually have USB connectivity between your computer and the WAN net, right? Then I can see why you had a problem.

     - Rufus
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