On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 20:16:39 -0500, Phillip Jones wrote:
> »Q« wrote:
>> Mike Beltzner is the director of the Firefox project, ultimately
>> responsible for what is and isn't in Firefox releases.  Talking
>> about the PM GUI, Beltzner says in that thread, "We obviously won't ship
>> a product to users that regresses important functionality that our
>> support teams rely on".
>> And obviously, if the PM GUI is available for Fx releases, it will also
>> be available for SeaMonkey releases.
> He is but one person. there many other there anxious to deep six it asap.
> Can your 85  year old Grandma trying to use command line to do something 
> that was easy to do.

On the other hand (to paraphrase pterry):
One Man One Vote, that is
Mike Beltzner it the One Man and his is the One Vote (that counts).


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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