Bill Spikowski wrote:
JeffM wrote:

The funny part here is that
you actually expect Micros~1 to know what they are doing.
I'm curious to know what is is about Bung[sic]
that makes it valuable to you (besides M$-slanted results).

I use Bing for only one purpose -- their incredible aerial oblique maps
-- nothing else like it anywhere on the internet!

Have you ever tried all options on Google Maps? The "Satelite" and "Terrain" (if that is the word in English)! I take Google any time over that *terrible* map from Bing.

BTW, Bing Map came up on my SM 2.0, at least they give you an option to enter with what ever browser you have, when they don't know what you have. There is worse examples of sites that do browser sniffing.

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