Arne wrote:
JeffM wrote:
Arne wrote:
Bing Map[...]
There is worse examples of sites that do browser sniffing.

There is *no* need to sniff for *standards-compliant* browsers;

Agree, was my post in any way defending any browser sniffing?
All I said, was that there is those sites who sniff but at least they give the user an option to enter any way, other simply throw you out!

Is it just me, or isn't it incredibly stupid to design three or four or five different versions of your site for three or four or five different browsers because that takes two or three times as much labor? Why would a web design firm allow their people to charge them two or three times as much when they can simply require one compliant design?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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