Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Kurt wrote:
When I reply to an email, the text cursor is way down at the bottom of
the email. I believe all my contacts that use Microsoft email and have
grown accustomed to replies being at the beginning of the email will
be confounded by replies at the end of the email. When I jump up to
begin the reply it takes on the font of the "So and So wrote" line,
which is Times New Roman and terrible for online viewing.

It is a small annoyance, but I would like to start my response at the
top of the page instead of starting to write at the bottom and then
cutting and pasting it to the top. Any way to make Seamonkey change
this behavior?

Seamonkey also seems backwards in that by default it lists emails in
the box from oldest to newest.

Go to each individual email box in Edit>  Mail&  newsgroup setting
choose Composition&  Addressing  them click on button start reply at
bottom. and choose start reply at top.

Note: here in this group you will booed - hissed at, chastised, cursed,
and flogged  to do , what is known as top posting. It frowned upon here.
But if your _contacts_ are use to Top Posting then by all means set as
you desire.

People know my opinion on Top posting and I won't go into it further.

I had a client write me in January after I had interspersed my
respective replies after each paragraph of his message:

"I always wanted to ask you to write your response above my message and
not mix with my original text. It takes me a long time to read your
response and often I just give up."

It bleeping blew me away. I thought I was doing him a favor by putting
each answer with the corresponding question.

And you did notice this part above .

"I always wanted to ask you to *write your response above my message* and
> *not mix with my original text*. It takes me a long time to read your
> response and often I just give up."

Yet everyone here extols the virtues of bottom posting. Your supposed to post especially in emails to what the receiver is accustomed to. Not your ridged guidelines as what is prim & proper.

If you get a message from a person either personal or business and they bottom post, post bottom post. If you get said message and they put replies to you at top, then they demand top post. You grit your teeth and Top post. Better to use their method and gain their business, rather than go by some silly posting guideline and lose a $20,000 job. Your person just has the chutzpa to speak up and say how they want things. I am sure there are others out the.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 
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