Tom Stoudt wrote:
On 2/19/2010 1:10 PM, Kurt previously said:

Yet everyone here extols the virtues of bottom posting. Your supposed to
  post especially in emails to what the receiver is accustomed to. Not
your ridged guidelines as what is prim & proper.
Exactly why I wanted to know how to change. Most people getting my
emails are using Outlook.

Thanks for the help.

No boos and hisses so far.


Maybe there should be a setting that overrides the
default in the individual addresses of the address
book, choosing whether to top-post or bottom-post.
 It could be similar to the settings for "Prefers
to receive messages formatted as: Unknown/Plain
Text/HTML" or "Allow remote images in HTML mail".

That's one of the reasons I use multiple mail clients...only on the news groups do people seem to prefer bottom posts - just about everyone that I e-mail (Outlook users or not) prefer to top post in open e-mails. Including a site support guy I just spent a weekend cluing in about bad browser sniffing on his site...

...I've taken to setting bottom signatures in my primary e-mail client, but amongst my contacts I seem to be the ONLY one doing that, and I always end up having to move my sig on I may just quit that and top set it.

If I could select - "place signature to follow threading" - now THAT would be a winner...

     - Rufus
support-seamonkey mailing list

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