On 3/28/2010 9:49 AM On a whim, Beauregard T. Shagnasty pounded out on the keyboard

Terry R. wrote:

I can compose an HTML document (and of course depending on how extreme
the formatting is), and the size won't be much more than 10%-20% of
it's plain text counterpart.  And zero errors.

You might be able to do that, Terry, (and so could I) but most HTML
email clients sure can't.  Do you get email from, say, yahoo mail users?
A one or two sentence message runs around 13-16KB usually. Here's a
small snippet from a four-sentence message I got yesterday via

<body style="background-color: #fff;">
<span style="display:none">&nbsp;</span>

<div id="ygrp-mlmsg" style="position:relative;">
   <div id="ygrp-msg" style="z-index: 1;">

     <div id="ygrp-text">

       <p>Hello All,<br>


The 302 lines of *styling* were in a second<head>  section after all the
HTML and content!  Oh, and viewing the email in HTML, it is just the
four lines in the Georgia font. No other formatting was applied by the

I can't speak for Yahoo mail, and I don't know anyone that uses it offhand.

But I was responding directly to David's comment of,

"If a 1 MB plain-text message were instead composed as an HTML-formatted
message, the result would be approximately 4.6 MB.  And it would likely
have approximately 21,000 HTML syntax errors."

and I believe he overstated the numbers quite a bit. Maybe if the email was sent as PT & HTML using Word, but not just HTML, and not the error count either.

Terry R.
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