David E. Ross wrote:
On 3/28/10 5:17 PM, Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Terry R. wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Terry R. wrote:
I can compose an HTML document (and of course depending on how
extreme the formatting is), and the size won't be much more than
10%-20% of it's plain text counterpart.  And zero errors.
You might be able to do that, Terry, (and so could I) but most HTML
email clients sure can't.  Do you get email from, say, yahoo mail
users? A one or two sentence message runs around 13-16KB usually.
Here's a small snippet from a four-sentence message I got yesterday
via yahoogroups.
[snip code]

The 302 lines of *styling* were in a second<head>  section after all
the HTML and content!  Oh, and viewing the email in HTML, it is just
the four lines in the Georgia font. No other formatting was applied
by the sender.
I can't speak for Yahoo mail, and I don't know anyone that uses it
Really?  I'd say about 20-25% of the mail I get comes from yahoo.

But I was responding directly to David's comment of,
"If a 1 MB plain-text message were instead composed as an
HTML-formatted message, the result would be approximately 4.6 MB. And it would likely have approximately 21,000 HTML syntax errors."
Heh, I'm sure that was a misuse of MB .. where he meant KB (which would
be about right, a typical 4 to 1 ratio. The email I cited has 67 words
(357 bytes), and from Yahoo needed 13 Kilobytes of HTML.

Or he may just have been exaggerating for fun.

and I believe he overstated the numbers quite a bit.  Maybe if the
email was sent as PT & HTML using Word, but not just HTML, and not
the error count either.
Ewww. Word, as the editor for OE, does a *terrible* job of HTML.

I was replying to Bill Davidson, who wrote about
Doesn't stop 1MB plain text either.

If messages actually got that size, the equivalent message in HTML
formatting would be about 4.6 times that.  This is based on my
examination of 20 actual HTML-formatted messages that I collected from
my inbox earlier this year.  As it happens, my wife has a friend who
regularly sends HTML-formatted messages in the 600 KB to 1.5 MB range (a
very few at large as 4 MB).  My wife ignores them, leaving them on our
ISP's mail server until I use a Web-mail capability to delete them.

I suspect those messages include embedded graphics and the like. Do you think those images would be smaller if they were attached to text as just mime attachments?

Getting a multi-MB message isn't a problem with HTML, it's a problem with clueless friends.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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