Ray_Net wrote:
David E. Ross wrote:

Some think that images in HTML-formatted E-mail messages are somehow
embedded within the source of the message, that they are in-line.
Instead, images are generally binary files that traverse the Internet as
distinct packets not embedded in the source.  At least that's how
HTML-formatted messages reach my ISP's mail server.

I have tested, and the "attached" file is embedded in the text of a text-format mail. I was unable to copy/paste the mail here - it looks like the post is sent from my pc, but never arrive in mozilla.support.seamonkey

I have put a few examples up at http://www/~davidsen/Private/HTMLmail/
for clarity. The small one is a reasonable short note, even with use of a few fonts for highlighting and rendering the mailing address in the sig as a mailto: link, the size is only a few hundred bytes larger than pure text. I had another, but lost it, using one indented paragraph in fixed with text (<pre) so the shell script would stand out. That only added another hundred bytes or so, and made it much easier to read. I had to delete it, there was some client info in the script, sorry.

The medium size has a quite fancy signature with a cartoon, and a bit of fonts and such, it's 12k and I only have that sig for a demo, not as a normal thing.

The last has an embedded image, and it is larger, but can be viewed by someone who is behind a firewall which limits http access. It's large because the sender made it that way, not because it's HTML, and it does have an advantage of being viewable if you download and read offline. I send out a newsletter to ~200 people, and based on complaints I think about 8-10% do download and read later offline. People who pay by the connect minute, I'm told. Pay by the byte is not the only pay-as-you-go billing option.

Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com>
  "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot
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