>> I did not find how to look/change those settings. Could you enlight ? <<

I posted this since these settings determine what's visible when you look for messages in a specific location.

For example, for the trash folder, open the "View" menu.

The "Messages" and "Threads" selections each have several options which control what is going to be visible each time you visit that message location.

If they are not set to "All" it's easy to assume that messages don't exist or have been partially deleted at that location.

It's also important to understand that these settings are location specific... for example, in a newsgroup with ten message sections, these settings can be different for each section.

A related note... the View/Threads option list contains a very powerful option that no other newsreader has... "Threads with Unread" To learn more about how it can help make reading and responding in newsgroups, take a look at http://bevhoward.com/moz.htm#News While this was written many years ago, it still applies and can really speed up, clarify, and make responding very easy.

Beverly Howard
support-seamonkey mailing list

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