Beverly Howard wrote:
 >> My experience with SM (1.x) is that deleted unread messages appear
in the specified trash folder as unread messages. <<

I know it works in 1.x but this thread is about 2.04. See the first message.

sorry, but a related question that I have to ask...

how are you selecting the "unread" message?

obviously, if you click the header, then delete the message, it will
have been "read" before deletion.

Beverly Howard

One of two ways: select the Inbox and then move the cursor up and down to any "unread" message and then press the "Del" key on the key board. The other way is to right click the selected "unread" mesage and then select "Delete Message" from the drop down. Neither of these will transfer the message to the Trash folder and leave as "unread" in SM 2.04. I know it works in SM 1.x but I got rid of that some time ago.
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