Ray_Net wrote:
Beverly Howard wrote:
>> if I delete an "unread" message (listed in bold) in the Inbox <<

Suggest looking at the "Message" and "Threads" "View" settings for the
Trash folder.

Both are set for "All" therefore it should show all messages.

Anyway, with SM1 deleting an "unread" message will move it into the
trash with the status "unread".
With SM2 deleting an "unread" message will move it into the trash with
the status "read".

This has been discussed in a couple of bug reports:

Seamonkey https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=465116

Thunderbird https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=475911

Some of the people making comments including Robert Kaiser believe this has been done by design and therefor should not be fixed (WONTFIX?)

Others making comments believe that if nothing can be done, at least about:config should have an option so that he user could decide for him/her self. It would look something like the following:

mail.moveToTrashMarksRead (integer)
  0  move to trash doesn't change read/unread
 -1  (or any negative value) move to trash marks as unread
  1  (or any positive value) move to trash marks as read.

I could live with an about:config option. My personal use of SM2 is to download "Get messages" the first thing in the morning where I usually get about 10 to 20 most of which I delete. On the weekend, I like to go through the Trash folder to double check to see if any that I deleted should have been kept. It makes it a lot easier if the ones that I haven't yet done my weekend check are still shown as "unread" (bold)

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