Phillip Jones wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:..

either that or SM and FireFox is going to have to implement an IE style
Self-healing process. The Mozilla community has been dying for ages to
emulate IE any way.

What is a browser self-healing process??

In IE they have code  that allow IE to guess at missing tags in html code.

suppose you you have a line you forget the opening closing tag lets give as example <head> </head> say you leave off by accident the <head> but it finds the </head> IE will assume where the beginning of the line should be and supply it. it will over look spellings. In other words you can either a careless coder, a 5 year old, child, or a Monkey to design a website. As long as some semblance of correct code can be found IE will supply the missing information. That way. it doesn't make any difference how the code is written or has obivous errors IE over look the error.

Where the proper way should be if so mus as a missing <, / [, } missing the site should bomb is should show anything. And won't show anything until every period space, characters are in the proper place.

If the point of designing browsers were to enforce W3C compliance, this would make sense.

Reality is, browser designers want their products to work well and be popular. A browser that crashes at the slightest little thing will not be popular, but one that knows how to cope with minor glitches will be.

I'm no advocate for Micro$oft, but I recognize when they do something well, and coping well with coding errors counts as "doing something well" in my book.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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