Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:

> /Beauregard T. Shagnasty/:
>> Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
>>> See my other reply - I've reset the groups to make them re-download
>>> the headers, but then it appeared impossibly slow.
>> And that's because your filter reads parts that are only downloaded
>> with full bodies, not just headers. So your computer is getting all
>> those thousands of lines of content, instead of just the few in the
>> actual "header." I thought your filter, as described, was way
>> overkill. All you need is the Message-ID. ;-)
> So, normally when fetching the new message headers not all headers
> get downloaded, right?  Do you know which headers get downloaded
> normally?

I'm not entirely sure, but they include Message-ID, Subject, number of
lines, From, the date/time, and probably not much more. 

> I didn't want to use just the 'Message-ID' in my filter as
> it would filter out all legitimate posts coming from Google Groups,
> also. 

Someone recently wrote that filtering googlegroups was like throwing the
baby out with the bathwater, but an eloquent reply was "the bathwater is
so dirty, the only way you can find the baby is to dump the bathwater on
the lawn and hope you can actually spot the baby."  Implying of course
that there are soooo many more spam posts than legitimate ones from
googlegroups that it's worth the effort to filter first. Set GG to "mark
as read" instead of "delete".

> Note I've described one more problem  - the slow down appears even
> when the filter is disabled.

Suggest you remove the filter(s) altogether and hope that solves the

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