Beverly Howard wrote:

 >> I keep getting a message saying a connection cannot be made to the
SMTP server. <<

most likely a configuration problem...

each internet connection limits open smtp server access to _only_ those
connected via the service that provides the server... i.e. using a RR
server, their smtp server can't be used if connected via any other isp
provider such as verizon and probably any other location than your home

A reasonable hypothesis, but I've always been able to send using my company's SMTP server through my DirecWay ( connection. My company isn't an ISP and doesn't offer that service.

The normal solution nowadays is to use smtp authentication using your
account's mail id and password. A quick and easy fix is to use the
webmail interface provided by your isp until you get it sorted out.

How do I do SMTP authentication?

fwiw, Sending and receiving email are two completely separate
operations... the only thing that connects them is your email client,
so, pop3" working" has zero bearing on smtp problems.

I mentioned it more to demonstrate that I do in fact have Internet connectivity; it's not a cable unplugged kind of thing, and the mail servers are not down.

Hope that this information is of value.


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