> Phillip Jones wrote:
Lucas Levrel wrote:

Do you think "Google and others" don't honor them?

A resounding YES!!

I was considering a Captcha software to put on Web page on a website for
an association, I found out that Googel had purchased it. So Now the
members only page on the site will have to eliminated because Google has
a hand in it and can use the captcha Database to break into secure sites.

I trust Google about as far as I can pitch them.

I agree that Google is an enemy of privacy, and of freedom itself, in
some fundamental ways - their leadership is way out of control.

As for Captcha, I seem to recall that there are some Google-free

BTW: I wonder if anyone has created a Web page logo something like
"Another Google-free Web page" linked to a site that lists all of
the anti-privacy and anti-freedom activities of Google?

I'd sure add it to my sites.

I use http://startpage.com, clusty.com, yippy.com, and other
google-free search engines. I don't miss anything by doing so.
I never "google", I search!


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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