Phillip Jones wrote:

> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>> Phillip Jones wrote:
[let's do some snipping here...]
>>> using a Captcha does the same thing as using a username and password
>>> without the need for such and until Google bought  the leading
>>> captcha software developer, It was as secure as having a user name
>>> and password.
>> Thanks for proving you don't know what a CAPTCHA is - or how to
>> design a secure web site.
> In captcha you are required Type a series of letters or  numbers that
> have been altered to make them difficult to read Only when the are
> correctly entered are you able to on continue on.

Yes, that is exactly what a CAPTCHA image is. What about the part where
you think it makes your members only secure from the public? 

>> It's a Turing test [1]. Are you a human or a robot? Unfortunately,
>> CAPTCHA images have been cracked by bots. They are no longer secure.

No response to that?

>> They will not keep out the general public, so what made you think you
>> would have a private, members only section accessible only to the
>> members? If any human on the planet goes to your entry page they can
>> interpret the distorted image and gain access to your 'private'
>> information.
>> What happens if one of your members sends the link of the interior page
>> where your association members are listed?  Will random access to that
>> page redirect them back to the 'login' page?
>> You *need* a username and password to keep - not only Google - but the
>> _general public_ out of your private pages. And each and every single
>> page inside the members-only section has to check and see if the user is
>> logged in. Otherwise, it needs to send them to members/login.
>> You should tell your association that you don't understand or know how
>> to write a private web site.
>> [1. Did you have to look that up? ]
> If I have to put in a User Name /password system will for that page.

What database are you using? Which server-side programming language?
PHP, ASP, PERL?  You can't do it with just HTML.

Do you understand that it needs to include *all* pages in the members
only portion of the web site?  (You didn't respond to the rest of the

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