Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:

The forms scripts I use that happen to use a captcha technique cannot
be accessed by anyone but a human being who can read and type.  Maybe
one day someone will build a piece of sw that can read a jumblepd-up
bunch of pixels and correctly respond to them but it isn't possible
right now.

Just to set the record straight, Ed, google up this:

    captcha cracked by spammers

..and read away. CAPTCHAs are no longer secure, and haven't been for a
couple of years. (Besides, they are annoying to humans.<g>  )

Thanks for the suggestion. I stand corrected. One interesting thing in the Wikipedia article I read was the success rate crackers have had cracking image captchas so far are less than 100%. Some are only at 30% or so.

It's very obvious Phillip knows not of what he speaks, and he should
stop spreading FUD. I know that, without DreamWeaver, Phillip would not
even be able to *have* a web site online.

Yes, well, Phillip is a nice fellow but he can sometimes "shoot from the hip". :-)

Ed Mullen
If the odds are a million to one against something occurring, chances are 50-50 it will.
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