Ed Mullen wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
Terry R. wrote:
On 9/23/2010 9:14 AM On a whim, Beauregard T. Shagnasty pounded out on
the keyboard

Terry R. wrote:

Beauregard T. Shagnasty pounded out on the keyboard
It's very obvious Phillip knows not of what he speaks, and he should
stop spreading FUD. I know that, without DreamWeaver, Phillip would
not even be able to *have* a web site online.
Geez. Do you feel good about yourself now "BS Nasty"?

As long as Phillip spreads FUD, yes I do.

The comment was regarding him being "able to have a web site online".

At least he put forth an effort and created something for his family,
regardless of what he used to do it. That's more than millions of
other people have done.

The site he was discussing was not his regularly posted 'family' site,
but was for some sort of "association" - with members' data at risk to
public exposure. Would you think it is a good idea to let him go on and
expose their information to the public, when that was not what was
requested of him?

Again, the comment was regarding being "able to have a web site online",
which is for his family's purposes. You're twisting the two together.

Now go and blast every site designer that used FP to code sites

FrontPage? Doesn't matter what the tool is, if the site is not doing
what it is supposed to be doing.

You blasted him for using Dreamweaver. That's the point. Thousands use
FP and produce crappy websites. Phillip used what tool he could not
knowing how to code by hand.

and leave Phillip be.

What are your thoughts on allowing him to spread false information?

Wow, that's the first time that's happened in these groups...

Terry R.

Originally created crappy pages because I had to learn on my own without
help what so ever, I was given originally DreamWeaver and told your web
master of this website. Then when I made my own pages I tried to do the
right thing originally with XHTML. Well times change and I updated my
own site using HTML 4.0.1 Strict. But people made fun because I use
Tables for photos. Still use some on two pages. But at least there are
no error.

Now this other Association asked me the possibility of creating a site
for them. As They liked what I had done with the original Association
site I had worked on.

I just need the one section Members only to be private. The other would
be public information.

I frequent sites that use captcha before I can do anything (mostly to
prove a person is doing something) I thought that might do. But due to
everyone ragging me found out that's not secure enough. So I will look
into username/password.

If you want to see how bad there current site is Look at

That's it.

they want just more than basically Convention Page. They use aspx pages
in the original site.

Phillip, if you have a thick enough skin take this discussion to one of
these groups:


Look, what you're trying to do is very simple assuming your hosting
service provides the right tools.

If you don't already have a provider, research it.  You referenced Go
Daddy.  Not a good reputation from what I've found.  We all have biases
but, honestly, I've had great service from 1 and 1 dot com.  It's a
super value.  But I wouldn't touch Go Daddy with a four foot Italian.

And, if I can help in a way that isn't appropriate for these groups,
email me.

Already signed up to them already.
remember the last time about my personal site I was on the Stylesheet group

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net/       mailto:pjon...@kimbanet.com
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