NoOp wrote:
On 11/20/2010 05:15 AM, Robert Kaiser wrote:
Jens Hatlak schrieb:
Ah, that's on this page:

KaiRo, can you remove that paragraph please?

Please file a bug, even better a patch.

File a *bug* and a *patch* to change a web page that *you* maintain?

Are you not the maintainer of that web page?
Maintained by Robert Kaiser

Regardless of: "I am seriously cutting down the time I'm working on
SeaMonkey and trying to cut down on work time in general" it seems to me
that you are asking others to use added/wasted time to "file a bug, even
better a patch"...

Filing a bug report for something like this (IMO) simply causes
unnecessary noise on bugzilla. So, now:
is (again IMO - sorry Jens) added to the thousands (6533) of other
bugzilla reports for SeaMonkey:

Well done.

Thank you, I was about to try to write that post but you beat me to it and better expressed to boot!

gotta tell ya, just don't get it. Err, it's a freaking Web page, just go edit it. There's agreement on the mis-statement, just delete the freaking reference. Hell, it'd take me about 30 seconds. How many bytes, hours, and effort has been wasted on this now?

Good Lord. Every time I fall in love with SeaMonkey something like this comes along and makes me wonder how I haven't yet caught the clap from my long-term marriage to this piece of software.

What is this nonsense? God, makes me want to fire up my FTP program and just delete all the stuff on my Web site under the "Mozilla" folders.

Bug Report?  Hello?  Robert, you seem like a good guy but, really?

Ed Mullen
Even a mosquito doesn't get a slap on the back until it starts to work.
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