SeaMonkey 2.0.11 (Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64;
en-US; rv: Gecko/20101124 SUSE/2.0.11-0.2.1 SeaMonkey/2.0.11)

opensuse 11.3

1) First I figured out how to create a mailing list and they appear
under personal Addressbook. I also have a collected addressbook. What In
need is a seperate address book for my mailing lists such as:
    Personal addressbook (contains all addresses of personal nature).
    Collected addressbook to act as holding area for new addresses
    Then one called Lions maill mailing lists, etc associated with the
Lions club.

How do i set up this third address book and the sub folders in it. I
searched the help screens and on the mailing list archieve but did not
see a way to do it. Looking at this as an option to Kmail.

2) how do i get seamoney to retain the changes I make to the font size
settings? I changed them to be larger un appearance but there back small
again as in this email. My old eyes cannot read this small of font.

3) I tried to change a folder under local folders from packman to
Packman but it kept saying "folder already exists". Is this because
seamonkey is designed for MS and does not reconize case sensitivety.

Thanks for any ways to do this or documentation on doing it.

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