Stan wrote:
I'd like to express my appreciation to all the developers and others who
have devoted themselves to keeping SeaMonkey alive and still the most
logical way for integrating browser, mail, newsgroups, and other things.

I started in 1997 with Netscape and thanks to so many of you I am still
going strong on that path with SeaMonkey. Thank you again for making
this possible.

Stan Pierce

I go along with that sentiment. I just hope that the SeaMonkey Project doesn't follow lockstep with style of FF4. There are howls of disappointment with it. It's killed at least half of the extensions available. with the new system even one of the technology reporters at ZDNet has written off Firefox.

Now if SeaMonkey folks just don't screw it up.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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