On 23/03/11 20:00, PhillipJones wrote:
I will use SM as my preferred Browser and Email/News Client and FF3.6.x
as my back up Browser. I'm not going to ff4 I've tried the beta just put
out. And it’s a bunch of junk.

Personally, I wouldn't say that Fx4 is just a bunch of junk, though time and again (starting at Fx1 and possibly earlier) I've seen the Firefox guys change some perfectly working parts of the UI, just for the sake of gadgetry. OTOH, SeaMonkey has profited by what's good in Firefox, while at the same time leaving aside the useless gadgetry: for instance, in Sm2.0 the Preferences backend underwent a complete overhaul to bring it in line with the Toolkit backend used on Fx&Tb (picking up a "real" extensions manager as an important side benefit), while at the same time conserving the functional, no-nonsense Preferences look&feel which dates back to Netscape 4.7 and, I suppose, earlier. Sync is now an integral part of SeaMonkey, even allowing synching between SeaMonkey and Firefox, though of course in SeaMonkey we don't call it "Firefox" Sync. The throbber link was kept when the Firefox guys gratuitously removed it. The DOM Inspector and ChatZilla components are still distributed with SeaMonkey, while in Firefox they are separate extensions. SeaMonkey nightlies have even got a built-in "Debug & QA UI" component which AFAIK is not even available to Firefox testers. The status bar is still there in SeaMonkey, even with a button for each of Browser, Mail, Composer, Address Book and Chat, while the Fx guys seemingly jumped through hoops in order to have a status bar which is both present and absent. The tabs are still where they belong, presenting an obvious material boundary between what comes from the website (the "content") and what comes from the browser (the "chrome")... And so on and so forth.

Best regards,
'Twas the nocturnal segment of the diurnal period
   preceding the annual Yuletide celebration, And
   throughout our place of residence,
Kinetic activity was not in evidence among the
   possessors of this potential, including that
   species of domestic rodent known as Mus musculus.
Hosiery was meticulously suspended from the forward
   edge of the woodburning caloric apparatus,
Pursuant to our anticipatory pleasure regarding an
   imminent visitation from an eccentric
   philanthropist among whose folkloric appelations
   is the honorific title of St. Nicklaus ...
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