On 19/04/2011 00:44, go-arts wrote:
> Mac OS X:
> Till now I found Seamonkey - Mozilla very efficient. I do not use
> Firefiox because you are obliged to use control-key for opening the
> mouse-click-pop-up-menu (mouse-click-pop-up-menu: you keep the left
> mouse-button pressed anywhere on a location like links until the menu
> opens. You can do this in Seamonkey with one hand like you could do
> since more than ten years in Netscape, Mozilla etc. and work with one
> hand only. Very efficient!).
> I could so choose "open the link in tab" or "open the link in new
> window" by only movin to the line and releasing the mouse-button.
> Now, since Version 2.1, I am forced to click again on the line in the
> mouse-click-menu which forces me do do the double of clicks than
> before.
> My arm is already suffering by these inefficient reflexes.
> Is there any means to get back the old quick and efficient feature?
> P.S.: I DO NOT appreciate to change such features without asking the
> users oder installing the old alternative! This concerns many people
> who are depending on their work-flow every day in thousands of
> movements and clicks!
> I bought the Kensington track-balls to be protected against problems.
> Now Seamonkey 2.1 brings me these problems back!
> Greetings


Go to about:config

Filter for:

Toggle this to true for the old behaviour.


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
http://flashblock.mozdev.org/ http://xsidebar.mozdev.org
Guard us from the she-wolf and the wolf, and guard us from the thief,
oh Night, and so be good for us to pass.
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