Interviewed by CNN on 30/05/2011 07:53, Neil Winchurst told the world:
> Although not new to computers I am fairly new to SeaMonkey. I am using 
> version 2.0.14. There has been a lot of chat about the new version 
> 2.1. Since my version works just fine for me is there any real reason 
> or advantage to moving up?

Well, 2.1 will bring Seamonkey back to parity with Firefox, so roughly
anything that Firefox now has and Seamonkey doesn't should come with 2.1.

For instance:
- Faster Javascript
- Improved Video and Audio support (including WebM support)
- Sync your bookmarks, history and such not only between different
computers, but also with Mobile Firefox in your phone. (To myself, this
is the most-eagerly-awaited new feature)
- Improved standards-compliance in the rendering engine.

and so forth.

Of course, any major upgrade comes with a price. Many extensions will
have to be re-tested and tagged as "2.1 compatible" before most users
will be able to use them again. Some might never be updated because the
author abandoned the project. But OTOH, some extensions that depend on
Firefox 4 stuff could now be ported to Seamonkey. Win some, lose some...


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