Rufus wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
JeffM wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Inviting end users who are incapable of coding or testing
is an empty promise.

Describe more fully "incapable of testing".

What I mean is that most end users can demo a program, play around for a
bit, and generally satisfy themselves that "it works" for their favorite
tasks. They might accidentally stumble upon a problem. But they won't
perform rigorous, systematic testing such as navigating to each and
every option on a menu. So if you have a feature that's rarely used, or
if it doesn't elicit interest or curiosity because of its menu location,
name, or description, it won't be tested. In this scenario, you need a
very large cohort of testers with very diverse interests (ways of using
the program).

I test avionics software professionally, even though I don't code any of
it - it helps that I'm a pilot, and share a pilots "user" experience.
That's about all that's required, and what you describe is likely
sufficient because it highlights specifically what is important to the
user; anything that the user doesn't *use* isn't even a consideration as
far as an end-user is concerned.

Well, as I'm sure you know, there's "don't use" and there's "don't use much" and there's "don't use unless my life is on the line." So it's important that things like parachutes work even if you hardly ever think about them, much less touch them. If you lose an engine or your rudder fails or your fuselage pops its top and starts spraying passengers and flight attendants into the ocean, you have to be able to fly the plane safely anyway (and walk away from the landing, too). So all those things have to be tested.

Of course, I understand no lives are at stake here. But there are parallels.

And I bet your process is probably much more rigorous and thorough than the average software beta tester's.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
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