Would you be so kind as to tell exactly how to set browser.bookmarks.autoexporthtml to true? I have looked at all the preference settings and haven't found any thing. I'm obviously not an expert.

David E. Ross wrote:
On 8/2/11 9:43 AM, Juiceman wrote:
I loaded 2.2 and my bookmarks are gone, or I cant figure out how to find
them. I think I am going to dump 2.2 and go back to an earlier  version.

Your bookmarks are now part of places.sqlite.

If you set browser.bookmarks.autoExportHTML to "true", they will be
exported to file bookmarks.html every time you terminate SeaMonkey.
When you use the Bookmarks Manager to update your bookmarks, you can
also export them to bookmarks.html (or any other file).  Then, you can
still use bookmarks.html as your home page, as I do.

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