Interviewed by CNN on 22/09/2011 01:42, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj told the world:
> When I'm reading email, or a news article,or a web page,
> I can increase of decrease the size of the displayed text
> with CTRL+ and CTRL-.
> Why is the same facility not available when I'm composing
> email? :-(
> For some encodings, I can set the font size using the fonts
> preference panel Edit>preferences>appearance>fonts,
> But this does not work for example for unicode-8. which
> is, understandably, not choosable via fonts-preferences.
> In that case one needs a straight magnification/contraction
> capability.
> In my case for unicode-8 the font chosen/used by the system is
> miniscule, and my sight is not all that good anymore. :-(
> Anyway it would be most convenient in other cases as well.

Hmmm, this is one long-standing enhancement request:


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