Michael Gordon wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
When I'm reading email, or a news article,or a web page,
I can increase of decrease the size of the displayed text
with CTRL+ and CTRL-.

Why is the same facility not available when I'm composing
email? :-(

For some encodings, I can set the font size using the fonts
preference panel Edit>preferences>appearance>fonts,
But this does not work for example for unicode-8. which
is, understandably, not choosable via fonts-preferences.
In that case one needs a straight magnification/contraction
In my case for unicode-8 the font chosen/used by the system is
miniscule, and my sight is not all that good anymore. :-(
Anyway it would be most convenient in other cases as well.

Because when you are composing mail, or a web page you have already set
the font size. You have already set the minium fort size to read a
message, or web page.

Try resetting Edit/Preferences/Appearance/Fonts to what ever you want to

Michael G

Mr. Gordon
Please try your own advice with messages that have unicode(UTF-8)
as their encoding. :-)
First to read and then to compose such.  :-)

Пане ґордон
Будь ласка, спробуйте свою власну пораду на чимсь, що є в кодуванні Юнікод (UTF-8). Перше в читанні, а потім в складанні таких повідомлень,
або листів.


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