My bloviated meandering follows what S. Beaulieu graced us with on 9/28/2011 10:02 AM:
Sailfish a écrit :

Oh, please do port Simple Green!

I enjoy Andy Fraley's Netscape/Thunderbird 9 Netstripe theme (Simple
Green) and the blue variation (Simply Blue) a lot but, regrettably, the
requirement to add all the additional toolbar button icons for Composer
and chatZilla isn't in the cards at this time.

Considering the fact that Composer is more or less dead and that chatZilla is not bundled with SM anymore, would it be possible to simply drop them both from the theme to make it available?

Perhaps, however, I still have Raceday, Toy Factory and Sky Pilot Classic to get working first. I'll keep it on my "Follow-up" list.

Sailfish - Netscape Champion
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