My bloviated meandering follows what JAS graced us with on 9/28/2011 7:20 PM:
Sailfish wrote:
My bloviated meandering follows what JAS graced us with on 9/28/2011
5:48 PM:
Sailfish wrote:
My bloviated meandering follows what Sailfish graced us with on
8/12/2011 9:33 PM:
My bloviated meandering follows what Sailfish graced us with on
8/9/2011 5:56 PM:
My bloviated meandering follows what Bret Busby graced us with on
7/3/2011 9:22 PM:
My unbuntu 8.04 on my old(ish) laptop computer has just upgraded
the Seamonkey to version 2.

It has changed the appearance of Seamonkey, to some silly looking
theme, that is listed as the "default theme".

It appears that software developers design software for their own
pleasure, and not for the users.

The "Classic" theme will not install.

The "Littlemonkey" theme has some silly looking phallic symbols to
the left of the toolbars.

Is is possible to get a traditional looking theme for Seamonkey
2.x, so that we can have a decent appearance for Seamonkey, like
the themes from Seamonkey 1 or Netscape?

[snip /]

I've just ported All American, Oh Canada!, Viva Mexico!, Modern
Mozillium and Venerable Modern theme to SM2.4+. They are available on
my server, when visiting the site using
SeaMonkey 2.4 .

Venerable Modern was one of the original themes for the Mozilla Suite
making its debut at version M18. In many ways, it is one of the most
beautiful themes with its darker violet hues and toolbar buttons. As
an added bonus, incorporated in this theme is a derivative skin named,
Venerable Chrome Modern authored by storm119. The best way of
explaining it is that it is a hybrid of Modern Mozillium and Venerable
Modern. To enable it, click the Subskin link for instructions.

Modern Mozillium was the default theme for Mozilla Suite version M15
and Netscape 6.0.1. It sports a bright chrome-like background with
steelblue-like icons. This is one of the shiniest themes out there.

All American, Oh Canada and Viva Mexico make up the North American
Series all present a patriotic view of each country using their
unfurled flags as toolbar background imagery, an animated waving flag
for the throbber along with other country-specific symbology.

The North American Series themes are available on AMO but are in the
sandbox, awaiting review and approval.

Feel free to comment back here with any problems or suggestions. You
may email me directly, however, if replying by email, I have
blacklisted most of the popular email sites such as, aol, gmail,
hotmail, yahoo,&c. If you prefer to contact me via email, first reply
to this response with your email addy (munged if you prefer) and I
will add you to my whitelist and send you a confirmation email.

Do not know if it is just my set up -- using SM 2.3.3 on windows XP sp3.
I installed the All American theme and like it but when reading mail or
newsgroups the "forward one message" is grayed out and does not work. I
can click on the go back one message OK. Maybe a bug or maybe something
else I have installed.

Hmm, I'm using SM 2.3.3 with All American to reply and I'm not seeing
the problem. It seems to work just like the default theme. While I
haven't made any changes in that stylesheet in a long while, can you
verify if you are using the current theme version, 1.24.20110925?
Just today I went to and installed from
there, it was for Sm 2.2+ Build 09-27-11. I deleted it and reinstalled
but it was the same.


Referring to the images above, this is what I'm seeing. In the first one, both buttons are disabled since I haven't navigated to another message. The second one, the "Back one message" button becomes active (Forward one message still inactive) since I navigated to a new message. The third one shows the "Forward one message" active (Back one message becomes inactive) right after clicking the previous "Back one message" button.

Is this not what you're seeing?

Sailfish - Netscape Champion
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