On 10/1/2011 11:46 PM PT, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) typed:

Is anyone else getting a XML error with SM2.0.14's web browser's real
user agent on http://www.allstate.com/ ? It says:

"XML Parsing Error: not well-formed

Happens all the time, and not just on allstate.com
I once knew what caused it, but this early in the
morning I simply cannot remember.

Well, changing to Firefox user agent worked for me but it is still annoying. I also see this on other web sites too. I am more surprised that using default Firefox user agent didn't work for Michael in newer/recent SM versions. :(
"I think the ants are waking up -- they need to start farming so..." --Erin from The Office (U.S.) S7E18 (Todd Packer).
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