Sometime late yesterday I became unable to send mail from most of my accounts in seamonkey. The issue persists today. I get the following error message,

An error occurred while sending mail. The mail server responded: From address not verified - see Please verify that your email address is correct in your Mail preferences and try again.

The suggested link redirects to a generic help page,

This seamonkey account has 13 different email addresses entered as accounts, plus the seamonkey support news group. All of the email are from my yahoo domain. The first email account, which is the admin email for the domain, works fine I can send and receive. This is the username that is used for the SMTP server that is used by all 13 email accounts to send mail. If I try to send mail from any of the other accounts, I get the error, but I can send from the admin account.

I have used this setup literally for years and haven't changed anything in quite a while. I upgraded to 2.4 today to see if that would help, but no change. I have also tried with my firewall/AV off.

I spent about an hour on the phone with a yahoo tech last night, and all he had to say was that the problem isn't on their end because my web mail works. I don't really believe that, but I'm trying to track down all of the possibilities.

Any similar experiences or suggestions?

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