DoctorBill wrote:
Using SeaMonkey 2.6.1 now.

I am in the process of trying to remove an infection of some Gawd Awful
Trojan or Virus called "XP Security 2012" that got into my system.

In looking up methods to remove it, I went to
for help.

One of the sites I was told to go for help says to disable the use of a
"Click the radio button labeled "No proxy". Click "OK" twice. This will
remove the proxy server settings in Firefox."

I presume that goes for SeaMonkey also....(?)

I looked up what a 'proxy server' it necessary to use one when
on the web in SM 2.6.1 ?

It seems to my limited knowledge that allowing a secondary server to
control what comes in to me is allowing the greater possibility of
Trojans and Viruses to get into my system.

Am I correct ?


Why didn't Doctor Bill ask this yesterday???

Yesterday, I was at my sister's/Brother-in-law's place, and the B-in-L mentioned that he was using BitDefender AV (I think), and was getting a clean bill of health, but was also getting warnings from "Win 7 Security 2012" that he had 27 infections.

Today, I was back there (to use 4GB of their Cable download to D/L Mandriva Linux 2011) and, as I arrived, B-in-L was just about to ring me because "Win 7 Security 2012" now said he had 31 infections *and* had barred Internet access, even for MSIE, and disabled BitDefender.

So, this afternoon, we've brought a licence for "Win 7 Security 2012", scanned the desktop (and in process of D/L'ing my new O/S by FTP)

Have we set up his computer to be hacked, or worse?? And in the process handed over his credit card details to be ripped off?? (At the time, I did mention about giving away his CC details, and maybe having to cancel card and getting new card issued!!)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours, and may 2012 be better than 2011.

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