GerardJan wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Ken wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Ken wrote:
Pat Connors wrote:
First it came up and told me there was a problem, possibly abuse,
to then contact the administrator.

I had the same problem yesterday. I get my mail ATT > Yahoo >
I went into the mail set up and set all outgoing mail to text and the
problem disappeared.

I just ran across some comments from users of Thunderbird and their
worked on SeaMonkey as well.

"Thunderbird has the "msgcompose.background_color" set to uppercase
#FFFFFF however if you want to change the background color in your
message manually, Thunderbird offers you the colors in lowercase hex

It would seem that Thunderbird changed the color code to uppercase for
the default template (i.e. "msgcompose.background_color") but left the
manual color code options in lowercase."

I entered "about:config" in the URL bar for SeaMonkey and edited the
line "msgcompose.background_color" line to #ffffff and everything

Ken, if, as you suggest, T/B (and SM) changed the colour code to
#FFFFFF, when did this happen?? It would have required an upgrade to
carry this out, wouldn't it?? If so, when did the upgrade occur???

OR did att previously accept #FFFFFF as a background colour, but,
sometime Friday, maybe, change their system so that they only accepted
lower case background colour setting??

I know nothing about exactly who created the problem, but I suggest it
was the latter. My guess is there was a software update at Yahoo and
that created the problem. I was simply relaying a way to overcome the
problem, not assess blame.

Thank you for providing the work-around.

Have you complained to ATT/Yahoo about their stuff up??

my acount, goes from -> hotmail ->
gmail, works like a champ

but now i got 2 emails from my local puta club in 2.7.1 and they were
gone in 8.x, +am i still being moderated?

i am listening to the radio, tv sexta..


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