Daniel wrote:
Laura or Brian wrote:
Anyone? I have Seamonkey 2.11 and all the emails in my inbox just
suddenly disappeared. I know they must still exist on my system and
there must be a way to rebuild the file, but I don't know how. I went
into Edit and File Properties and tried the repair from there, but it
didn't work. Thanks again,


Laura, haven't you already asked this and gotten a reply??  If so,
please respond in that thread, so that those offering the advice will
know what has already been asked, tested and, possibly, failed.

Having typed that, however, something else you could try is to have a
look at Tools->Switch Profiles. How many profiles are listed?? If more
than one, check the others to see if they contain your missing e-mails.

If that doesn't help, have a look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account
Settings and select "Server Settings" on your e-mail account. At the
bottom of that screen there is "Local Directory". Note this location.
Now completely close SeaMonkey, including the Windows Quick Start link.

Set Windows up to show hidden Files and folders then do a Windows "Find
Files and Folders", looking for "inbox" (without the quotes). You should
find at least two, your current inbox and its index file inbox.msf, and
they will be in the location you noted previously.

Note the locations of any other "inbox"'s. If they are possible your
missing inbox, re-name them as inbox_2, etc, and move them into the
profile location noted above. Now, re-start SeaMonkey and check out the
now renamed files in you mail folder.

You're right, Daniel - I did already post this. sorry for the etiquette breach. The 1st response I got wasn't that helpful, and I was afraid that my issue would get lost. It's been awhile since I visited the newsgroups.

I searched and could not find the missing inbox. I do appreciate your help, but it seems that my emails are just gone.

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