On Monday, July 23, 2012 6:41:14 PM UTC-5, Laura or Brian wrote:
> Daniel wrote:
> > Laura or Brian wrote:
> >> Anyone? I have Seamonkey 2.11 and all the emails in my inbox just
> >> suddenly disappeared. I know they must still exist on my system and
> >> there must be a way to rebuild the file, but I don't know how. I went
> >> into Edit and File Properties and tried the repair from there, but it
> >> didn't work. Thanks again,
> >>
> >> Laura
> >
Laura, I don't blame you for starting over -- you were getting really useless 
feedback.  Meanwhile, I am convinced there is a major bug floating in Seamonkey 
Mail somewhere, and developers don't seem to notice (or have a clue?).

My inbox mail, too, just up and disappeared.  The inbox folder was still there, 
and none of my other email mailboxes and sub-folders were affected.  Seamonkey 
didn't crash.  Just, suddenly, around 2000 emails just vanished from the folder.

Even before I closed Seamonkey to see if that would help, I checked the profile 
(only one profile) directory and looked at the size of the 'inbox' file, which 
should have been 50 megabytes or more, but it was down to something like 12k.  
No strange 'inbox' showed up in other accounts (including 'Local'), nor did the 
50 megs suddenly append to another box.  It seemed more likely that Seamonkey 
suddenly got confused and mis-wrote an end-of-file marker, or something.

But then, in a separate and also frustratingly lame thread, several people were 
asking / complaining that Seamonkey -- for the last several releases (I think 
it started with release of 2.10) -- won't behave like it hears anything when 
you either compress a mail account 'manually' or answer 'yes' to the infernally 
repeated questions about whether you want to compress the email box 'now'.  
AND, though it behaves like it used to -- as if it were reprocessing and 
compressing the mail files -- it actually does nothing at all (or so it 
appears) -- because if you manually compress a second time, it does the same 
thing, for the same length of time.

'Compressing' before 2.10 actually left the file in a state that, if you did it 
a second time, it went very quickly -- as though it found nothing to compress.  
Post 2.10, though, the only way to have 'compress' NOT take a while to complete 
was / is to shut down Seamonkey and re-open it.

I found this irritating but I assumed a new procedure was in place that created 
a new index that didn't take effect until Seamonkey shut down or re-opened.  
Now, with the entire contents of an inbox folder up in smoke, I am guessing the 
bug is potentially more damaging than that -- something in your and my 
environments is exposing a very weak file handling routine that was modified 
within the past several releases.

Anyone out there that knows something?  (Not really interested in b.s. about 
backups or Preference settings -- what a joke).  Oh, and by the way, the 
preference setting for 'Compact folders when it will save over' now seems to do 
nothing at all.  Before 2.10, it did.

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