n...@vtresources.com wrote:
On Friday, October 5, 2012 8:55:16 AM UTC-5, Daniel wrote:
Tom wrote:

I should add that I subsequently ran a 'chkdsk' on my system to see if hard 
drive errors could be to blame.  Nothing showed up; no system events or any 
other indicators of a processing error.  Just 2000 missing emails / 50+ megs of 
a file gone.

Tom, did you bother doing an operating system search for "inbox"
(without the quotes) to see if you might have additional SeaMonkey
inbox's that have become lost to SeaMonkey??


Yes, I did -- all my other "Inbox"s are fine (7 others), and the Inbox file for that email account was the 
only one gone (and was not anywhere else on my hard disk).  I should also add that it has happened again -- just to 
that email box, just as before.  This is the primary mail account (and the directory named "mail" under the 
"Mail" directory in the profile under "Documents and Settings".

I was not aware of the right-click "Properties" feature to rebuild the index, or I would 
have tried that before I closed Seamonkey, but I do remember that, just like this most recent time, 
the "inbox.msf" file was only several K, which I knew meant the index was shot as well.  
That was even BEFORE I closed Seamonkey, so it seems unlikely that an index re-build would have 
accomplished anything at that point.

Where I had guessed 50 meg, before, the file was most likely more like 100 meg or more, 
given the size of my other "inbox" files.

This time before the contents disappeared, a message came up saying that the trash folder could not 
be emptied -- I had just done an "Alt-F-Y" to delete junk emails I had just trashed.  The 
message went away quickly -- with no input from me, and nothing was visible in my mail window 
("Inbox" was highlighted at the time).  Again, as before, all other mail boxes looked 
(and continue to look) normal -- and are seeming to behave normally as well.

Just -- I only have 10, just downloaded emails in that inbox, where it have 
built back up to 30 or 40 after that last 'purge'.

Tom, completely close SM, including any "Quick Start" Function, then use your file manager to locate your inbox, i.e. the one that keeps stuffing up. How big is the file?? You mention 50MB and 100MB above, but these figures stagger me!!

Whilst you're in the area, delete the inbox.msf file associated with this inbox. The msf file will be re-created when you next start SM.

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