Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

Jens Hatlak wrote:

Daniel wrote:
Rufus, I hope you remember that emptying trash *doesn't* actually
delete the e-mails from your "inbox", it just marks them for deletion
and removes them from your sight.

They are not actually deleted until you compact your files!!

Wrong (just checked). Please don't give such false advice, especially if
it results in data loss without any undo possibility. The Empty Trash
command actually includes a Compact Folder call.

Daniel said emptying Trash doesn't delete the email from the Inbox. I
believe his statement to be true. The only way to remove an email from
Inbox that was moved to Trash is to compact the Inbox. He was not
addressing what happens in Trash.

Jens used the singular "Compact Folder" -- if that was intentional, then
only the Trash would be compacted. But if he meant to use the plural,
"Compact Folders" would compact all folders in the account, including
Inbox, and his comment would be relevant.

Maybe I talking olden days, but I don't think an e-mail is really, ever, moved to Trash, it's just marked (in its header) for deletion and, maybe, a pointer is set in trash, but no e-mails in trash. Then, when the e-mail account is compacted, those e-mails marked (in their headers) for deletion, are actually deleted.

But I do not do any development work on SM as, I believe, Jens does, so whom should you believe??

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