Daniel wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Rufus, I hope you remember that emptying trash *doesn't* actually
the e-mails from your "inbox", it just marks them for deletion and
removes them from your sight.

They are not actually deleted until you compact your files!!

Wrong (just checked). Please don't give such false advice,
especially if
it results in data loss without any undo possibility. The Empty Trash
command actually includes a Compact Folder call.

When did this action change?? Perhaps we users should have had it drawn
to our attention!!

As Beauregard already noted, what you wrote is probably true if read
exactly. Empty Trash does in fact not touch the Inbox, only the Trash
folder. For the latter it includes a Compact Folder call.

[It didn't appear to me that anyone could think that Empty Trash would
affect other folders.]



....so...Empty Trash actually *does/should* reduce the size of the Inbox
because the user has moved the files to the Trash so they no longer
reside in the Inbox, and the Trash Compacts on Empty.

If it doesn't work that way, it should!  That would be what one would

No, Rufus, as I understand it:-

1.    an e-mail is received into the inbox, un-read. Inbox size is
2.    the e-mail in the inbox is read (causing a change in e-mail
header). Inbox file size is unchanged.
3.    the e-mail in the inbox is marked as Trash, causing change in
header, but stays in inbox (invisible) and Trash number increases by
one. Inbox file size is unchanged.
4.    Trash is emptied, causing change in header, but stays in inbox
(invisible) and Trash number goes to zero. Inbox file size is unchanged.
5.    *****E-Mail account is compacted*****, so all e-mails in the inbox that 
the change made in point four are deleted from the inbox and the inbox
is compacted, reducing its size.

I had thought the indicator might have been X-Mozilla-Status because, in
my inbox, an email showed the following difference when I marked it as
un-read and then as read:-

Unread message    X-Mozilla-Status: 0000
read message    X-Mozilla-Status: 0001

but another message, which I had marked for deletion still had
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001, so I don't know which setting it is!!

IMHO, of course, and subject to correction, re-education.

You state above "E-Mail account is compacted".
How do you do that?
I only know how to compact individual folders.
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