philmat11 wrote:
> BTS, Paul, W3BNR
> Let me refresh.
> I switched from Hughes satellite to WildBlue satellite (the only ISP I 
> currently have).  With Hughes I had four email accounts, a primary account 
> and three auxiliary accounts (aliases).  I have created the same setup with 
> WildBlue (the outgoing server is  With Hughes, each account used 
> the Hughes SMTP server with each account's user name attachecd, WildBlue is 
> the same, all accounts use the WildBlue server ( with the account's 
> user name attached.  With Hughes, the auxiliary accounts (aliases) would 
> default to the primary account for all outgoing mail, but the "From" user 
> name in the email header would always be the user name of the account that I 
> used to create the email.  However, with WildBlue there are changes.  When 
> using an auxiliary account (alias), if I look in the "Sent" folder, the 
> "From" address is the same as the user name of the account I used to create 
> the email, but the recipient of the email the "From" address in the header 
> would change 
 to the us
er name of the primary account.  I added the "Reply-to" addresses to all 
accounts (which I hadn't done in the past) in the SeaMonkey account settings, 
and all recipients of my emails have the correct "Reply-to" address, but the 
"From" address is always that of my primary account. 
> This morning I checked with WildBlue's Tech Support (again), but this time 
> the techie informed my there is a button to push that controls this.  He 
> tried to lead me through the WildBlue screens to get there but my screens 
> evidently didn't match his screens (I'm on a Mac and this time I used Safari 
> to get there [I really dislike Safari], but if I mention Seamonkey they freak 
> and won't talk to me), so he made the change for me.  I still can't find the 
> path to that stupid button, even using SM.  Nonetheless, he made the change 
> for me and I sent him a test email - sure enough he declared everything 
> worked fine.  Trying to replicate the success at my end by sending emails 
> between the various accounts gives me the impressions things really don't 
> work fine - I still get my primary user name for the "From" name on emails 
> from all the auxiliary accounts, even when the "Reply-to" address is correct. 
>  This is the case when I use Mac Mail and also going through the WildBlue 
> website to 
 check mai
l.  The only saving grace is the "From" address isn't that apparent when you 
use Mac mail or go through the WildBlue website.
> Here are two headers from the same email; one from the "Sent" folder of the 
> originating account and the other is from the "Inbox" of the auxiliary 
> account that received the message.
> The Sent Folder:
> Subject: 121105 Universal Reply-to Check
> From: Bart M <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: 11/5/12 11:13 AM
> To: Bart general <>, Bart mstr <>
> The Inbox from receiving account:
> Subject: 121105 Universal Reply-to Check
> From: Bart M <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: 11/5/12 11:13 AM
> To: Bart general <>, Bart mstr <>
> Both emails show the correct "Reply-to", but only the email from the 
> originating account "Sent" folder has the correct "From" address, the email 
> received has the "From" address reverts to the primary account address.
> I have also tried changing the outgoing server choice from "Default" to the 
> server listings with the individual account user names.  It is always the 
> same gmail server but has the individual user names added.  This failed for 
> all auxiliary accounts and I had to change back to "Default Server."
> The drama continues.
> Tnx, philmat11

I leave all my 'Reply-To' fields blank. (well, unless something really
unusual comes up). Reply-To will not do what you are looking for here.

I send with a different 'From' address using Seamonkey's built-in
'Identities' settings.

In Linux it is under:

Edit | Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings | [whichever_account_name] (in
the left hand pane) | Manage Identities (in the right hand pane)

Add or Edit the Identities(s) associated with each account to give the
identity the 'Email Address:' you wish to show in the From: header for
that account.

Once identities are set up you can (before 'sending') switch identities
before, during, or after you start to compose an email. When sent the
email address of the 'identity' will be in the From: header.


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