Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rickles wrote:

I tried visiting a bookmarked item to see this, and fell over at the
first hurdle.
*-Picked a bookmark at random, page opens
*-Location Bar has an icon at the right end, tool tip shows 'Bookmark
this page'
*-Click on the icon, red * appears on icon, tool tip changes to 'edit
this bookmark'
*-Click on the icon, appearance doesn't change, nothing else happens

What am I missing?

On my location bar (I'm using 2.14.1, just like you), the tooltip reads
"Edit this bookmark" and the icon is a NW/SE angled light green bar with
a hairline black border, the top (NW) end being convex and the bottom
(SE) end concave. When I click it, I get just what Chris described -- a
dialog that allows me to edit the bookmark.

To the right of this icon is a downward-pointing triangle that pulls up
the recent history of sites I've visited, and then after that is the
"Search" button.

I see nothing in the prefs that would allow the user to modify this.
Have you installed an add-on that does?

Compact Menu 2 v4.3.1 is the problem. It hides the top toolbar, and makes all those menus available by including a new icon on the navigation bar, to the left of the Back arrow. It must be that function which 'breaks' the pop-up of the Edit menu as described earlier. I'll let the developer know.
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